The Rotary Club of Antigua encourages persons to get vaccinated in efforts to protect themselves and those around them from the COVID-19 virus!
The Rotary Club of Antigua encourages persons to get vaccinated in efforts to protect themselves and those around them from the COVID-19 virus! Beginning today, we will feature Members of our Club who have been vaccinated in support of achieving herd immunity.
Why should I get vaccinated?
The vaccine reduces your risk of infection.
Once you receive your first shot, your body begins producing antibodies to the coronavirus. These antibodies help your body fight the virus in the event that you are exposed to the disease. (Source: Centre for Disease Control and Prevention).
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Rotary Club of Antigua SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES I AM COVID-19 VACCINATED! ARE YOU? Evangeline Allen Assistant Governor #GetVaccinated #Protect ourself V #ProtectYourFamily #VaccinesW Work'
There are strict protections in place to help ensure the safety of all COVID-19 vaccines.
Before receiving validation from WHO and national regulatory agencies, COVID-19 vaccines must undergo rigorous testing in clinical trials to prove that they meet internationally agreed benchmarks for safety and efficacy.
Unprecedented scientific collaborations have allowed COVID-19 vaccine research, development, and authorizations to be completed in record time – to meet the urgent need for these vaccines while maintaining high safety standards. (Source- World Health Organization (WHO).
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Rotary Club of Antigua SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES I AM COVID-19 VACCINATED! ARE YOU? Joanna Charles Past President #Get Vaccinated V #ProtectY ourself #ProtectYourFamily #Vaccines Work'
Know your vaccine!
Vaccine Brand Name
Who Can Get this Vaccine [ 1 ]
People 12 years and older
How Many Shots You Will Need
2 shots given 3 weeks (21 days) apart [ 2 ]
When Are You Fully Vaccinated?
2 weeks after your second shot
Vaccine Brand Name
Who Can Get this Vaccine [ 1 ]
People 18 years and older
How Many Shots You Will Need
2 shots given 4 weeks (28 days) apart [ 2 ]
When Are You Fully Vaccinated?
2 weeks after your second shot
Vaccine Brand Name
Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen
Who Can Get this Vaccine [ 1 ]
People 18 years and older
How Many Shots You Will Need
1 shot
When Are You Fully Vaccinated?
2 weeks after your shot
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Rotary Club of Antigua SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES I AM COVID-19 VACCINATED! ARE YOU? Paul Ryan Past President #GetVaccinated #ProtectYourself ourself #ProtectYourFamily #ProtectY #VacinesV Work'